Ketika aku berada di antara orang2 hebat…andrenalinku kesetrum utk selalu kreatif, berkarir pesat, menambah spect property wealth & berjuang u/ jadi bagian dari mereka (orang2 hebat) !!!
ketika aku berada di antara orang2 biasa…justru hatiku yg kesetrum….betapa mereka ternyata bisa lebih menikmati hidup, lebih loyal satu sama lain, tatapan mereka lebih ikhlas, sikap mereka lebih lugas…dan aku nyaman berada di antara mereka…:)
Yeach ternyata...Happiness is within. It has nothing to do with how much applause you get or how many people praise you..but Happiness comes when you believe that you have done something truly meaningful in life..and being ourselves a great man or not, it is an option...♥
Well..well..I think (and I hope) you find, see, and choose a better one from that difference above..I called it "pumped up kicks"..
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