Soal UTS bahasa Inggris kelas 1 bag 1
K e l a s : I ( SATU ) …..
Nama : …………………………
I. Choose the right answer ( pilihlah jawaban yang benar )
1. Are you …… ( sedih )
a. angry b. happy c. sad
2. This is my ….. ( ibu jari )
a. teeth b. thumb c. rose
a. watch b. umbrella c. chair
a. one b. two c. three
5. Do you like noodle ?
“ noodle “ artinya …..
a. gula-gula b. mie c.kentang goreng
This is a ….
a. bird b. girl c. shirt
7. I have a teddy bear
“ Teddy bear “ artinya ….
a. boneka berbi b. boneka beruang c. boneka gajah
8. I like meatball. It’s yummy
Yummy artinya ……
a. pahit b. lezat c. manis
9. What is the “ newspaper “ ……
a. komik b. koran c. buku tulis
10. “ Zoo “ artinya …..
a. enam b. kebun binatang c. halaman
Angry artinya ……..
a. sedih b. marah c. bahagia
12. Sick bay artinya ……
a. UKS b. kantin c. ruang guru
13. This is my ……. ( tempat tidur )
a. chair b. table c. bed
14. A : where is your lunch box ?
B : it is on the floor
“ Floor “ artinya ….
a. meja b. lantai c. dinding
15. This is a …… ( bayam )
a. potato chips b. chili c. spinach
II. Observe and match !
16. Nurse a. gula-gula
17. Chili b. gigi
18. Funny c. suster
19. candy d. rica
20. Teeth e. lucu
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